Serious sam 2
Serious sam 2

serious sam 2

They also have the potential of risking Sam's life if the player is using explosive weapons. NPCs have a tendency to put themselves in danger in crossfires, prompting them to get killed.Art Evolution: Goes from looking like a Duke Nukem clone to a cartoony buff dude.Apocalypse How: Planet Kleer suffered from this due to having seven million tons of napalm dropped over it, incinerating absolutely everything on it, but the air is still breathable.As for Sirius, its moon is half a military base and half a polar outpost - and, seen from space, the planet is literally Earth turned 90 degrees.

serious sam 2

All Planets Are Earth-Like: Every planet in the game is depicted in a setting which doesn't vary much from Earth landscapes: M'Digbo is an African-like jungle, Magnor has swamps, high-altitude villages and a junkyard, Chi-Fang is the game's stand-in for China, Planet Kleer is an even eviler version of Australia, and Ellenier is a medieval land with plenty of contemporary European influence.Alien Sky: A lot of instances, considering the entire game consists of traversing alien planets.Alien Blood: Monsters come with three blood colors aside of red: green, purple and yellow.African Chant: The Magnor forest levels (and some of the levels in M'Digbo) feature action music with these stock sounds.Advancing Boss of Doom: The first part of the fight against Hugo and The Mental Institution.Once you get to the end of the level, it simply skips to the ending cutscene. Adapted Out: The Xbox port does not contain the final boss fight against The Mental Institution.Action Bomb: In addition to the Kamikazes and Marcel the Clown enemies, Sam also gets to use one in the form of a "heat-seeking" kamikaze parrot called Klodovic.Abnormal Ammo: Klodovic, the Kamikaze Parrot, is a suicidal parrot carrying a bomb."I knew it! There ain't no games without sewer levels." Unlike the other main entries, this game hasn't received either an HD or VR release, in part due to its Troubled Production and plenty of Executive Meddling from 2K which led to Croteam first disowning the game, and then excising it completely from the SS canon, though Croteam has been hinting either a proper remake (more in line with TFE and TSE) or remaster of the game for quite a long time. All in all, it's easy to say that II is the least "Serious" of Sam's games. Vehicles are also introduced in the series, with Sam being able to use flying hovertanks, turrets and a spiked hamster ball. The weaponry has been overhauled, with a few returning weapons (both varieties of the Shotgun, the Grenade Launcher, the Rocket Launcher, the Serious Minigun, the Cannon, the Sniper Rifle and the Serious Bomb) joined by newer ones (a chainsaw gauntlet, a self-recharging blaster, a pair of Uzis and a bomb-carrying parrot). It also features a cartoony, almost comical look, which contrasts heavily with the previous games's more. The game is a step back regarding the previous installments, scaling back the horde and secret count, the weaponry and even the enemy variety.

Serious sam 2